I like peas in the pod, but I don't like what I call "Dis-em-podded peas." So, I wrote a poem about how it all people first started separating peas from their pods.

Back in the days before TV,
when radio ruled the airwaves,
an unfamiliar sport emerged.
In this sport we can see
its roots remain,
in the name of our
(online) radio talk shows.
It all began when farmers started
taking some peas out of their pods
and casting them off, to the side.
Some started to see
how far they could toss,
those pods without peas.
They practiced their form,
and footwork and such,
until casting became, all but a sport.
After a while, their fan base grew
(dads, moms, boys and girls,
grandmas & grandpas too).
Then, unofficially,
the sport got it's start,
and farmers began to compete.
Yet, sad to say, when COVID came,
the fans were forced to stay home.
Only them announcers,
(and the farmers themselves)
were cleared to stay, in the field.
So, alone with a purpose,
them announcers flew,
to game after game,
and fight after fight.
They followed every toss,
every twist and turn;
day after day,
night after night.
"Farmer Dan winds up,
such a master of the game..."
Announcers would gush,
and build their fame.
On and on
them broadcasts roared,
to keep them fans,
from getting bored.
Sponsors and sponsorships,
there weren't a few:
Chips and salsa,
and every kind of brew.
...after a while,
the world seemed stuck,
watching them farmers,
pull peas, then shuck.
Since those days,
the buzz hasn't ceased,
if anything the noise has INCREASED!
So now we know,
why people toss peas,
and that what it was,
was Pod-cast-ing.